NARA’s club station VE7NA was on the air on Saturday, Aug. 26, from VA7DXX’s cabin near Ladysmith for NVIS tests on the 80m band. This impromptu experiment replaced doing radio communications for the VELOS bike race on the slopes of Mount Benson that had to be cancelled due to fire risk.
David VA7DXX and Paul VE7XQL operated VE7NA and were later joined by Devan VE7LSE. NARA was expecting a number of stations to participate from around the province where the event had been promoted. As it turned out, VE7NA had about 110 contacts from VE7 stations and from the US. It was certainly heartening to see so much participation in these practically based NVIS propagation tests. A full report will be published in the October NARA newsletter once the results are fully analyzed. There are discussions on now making this an annual event.
Link to the Live Recording: