The Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association runs a variety of nets and are open to anyone to join in.

Monday Night Island Trunk Net

ACTIVE: 20:00 local on the Island Trunk System.
Local Repeaters:
145.430 – 141.3 tone
444.725 + 141.3 tone
Winter net Net duration 15 min
Summer Net duration 30 mins.
HF part of the net on 80m 3746khz LSB + or – 5khz

Net Control Script

Net Control Schedule

March 3: VE7GGH – Greg
March 10: VE7TZB – Brandon
March 17: VE7PMD – Mason
March 24: VE7TOP – Chris
March 31: VE7LSE – Devan

April 7: VE7GGH – Greg
April 14: VE7TZB – Brandon
April 21: VE7TOP – Chris
April 28: VE7LSE – Devan

The Admins of the Monday Night Island Trunk Net are looking for some more Net Control Operators, Anyone is welcome. If interested email for more information!

220 Net

Active: Saturday 10:30 local on 224.040 – 141.3 tone VA7DXH repeater and linked to VA7DXH 2M repeater 145.410 – 141.3 tone

2m SSB Net

Active: Saturday 10:45 local on 144.210 Mhz USB
Most are on vertical antennas for now

Saturday Vancouver Island 6m net

ACTIVE: 11:00 local on 50.150 Mhz USB.

Daily Wrong Button Club

ACTIVE: 09:00 local on 3.744Mhz LSB

WiresX CQ Canada Room

ACTIVE: Wednesday 18:00 local on VA7ANI 146.980 with TSQL of 141.3 Hz C4FM

Links to other nets in the area: